Heartstopper Volume 1
The good
Heartstopper Volume 1 is a charming graphic novel that beautifully captures the nuances of young love with wonderful LGBTQ+ representation. The heartfelt story of Charlie and Nick is both soft and meaningful, evoking a range of emotions that resonate deeply with readers.
The bad
However, some readers might find the pacing slow, as it focuses extensively on character development. Additionally, those looking for more intense plot conflicts may feel dissatisfied with the quieter nature of the narrative.Buyers Score
4.7 (24.4K)
Experts Score
4.0 (2)
Buyer Reviews
By Philzee
Well, I’m old enough that I can unapologetically declare this a guilty pleasure. As such, I needed Netflix’s interest to alert me to this wonderful piece of wor...
By Fanni
My first ever graphic novel. My first ever magical experience of actually SEEING a YA LGBTQ+ story come to life on the pages.I truly adored it."Boy meets boy.Bo...
By Alana_thebooknerd
I've never read a graphic novel before, I've owned a couple but never really read them. That is, until now. I ordered this last year during the first lockdown b...
By Linsfran
I love this book so so so much it’s got everything a good book needs it’s the best book ever